The dollar general literacy foundation recently awarded the literacy council of sheboygan county a grant!

The Dollar General Literacy Foundation recently awarded the Literacy Council of Sheboygan County a $1,500 grant to support adult literacy. This local grant is part of the Dollar General Literacy Foundation’s recent award of $10.5 million donation to support summer, family, and adult literacy programs, representing the organization’s largest one-day grant donation in its 28-year history.
“We are so grateful for Dollar General’s support of the Literacy Council and proud to make a difference in the lives of the adult learners who come to the Literacy Council for help,” stated Literacy Council Coordinator Carol Myers. The Literacy Council provides one-on-one tutoring by trained, caring community volunteers at no cost to the individual, and offers U.S. Citizenship classes at Lakeshore Technical College-Sheboygan, plus workplace literacy classes to area businesses.
“For nearly 30 years, the Dollar General Literacy Foundation has been proud to invest in literacy and education programs in our hometown communities,” said Denine Torr, executive director of the Dollar General Literacy Foundation. “The recent and significant shifts in the educational landscape have made the Foundation’s mission more critically important. As we work to create access to high-quality instruction for all individuals, we share our gratitude for the educators who are working to uplift and empower others. We hope these funds will have a meaningful impact on students and teachers across the country and look forward to seeing the positive impact they have on learners.”
The Dollar General Literacy Foundation supports organizations that increase access to educational programming, stimulate and enable innovation in the delivery of educational instruction and inspire a love of reading. Each year, the Dollar General Literacy Foundation awards funds to nonprofit organizations, schools, and libraries within a 15-mile radius of a Dollar General store or distribution center to support adult, family, summer, and youth literacy programs. The Foundation also offers a student referral program for individuals interested in learning how to read, speak English, or prepare for the high school equivalency exam. Referrals to a local organization that provides free literacy services are available online here or through referral cards found in the Learn to Read brochures that are available at the cash register of every Dollar General store.